Saturday, 28 January 2012

here you can listen, watch and download Russian rap. and not only Russian.

Saturday, 7 January 2012

yoU aRe NOTHING....

well, nobody find me, “I tell a”, nobody for me, so “now” nobody can leave me
“if somebody?” Then please get out, it’s my fucking life:’( I want you stay out
my family say,- I will pray for you “Adi”,,
 well I will pray to sky please make some god, I want to tell some deep secret in my heart
but I think, people gonna do hate my thought, so I shut my gob
nooo bad,  (chorus)

((god something in this world is going wrong,
I wanna to change a world, I wanna make a new hoods.
GOD, I don’t know why but everybody stand up and showing nasty mood
I wanna to change a world, I wanna make a new hoods. GOD, I’m stand up too and showing my nasty mood. ))

but ANYway
If life is movie, then I’m hero and everybody just extra
so why should I pray to sky please make some god, ? eeewww it’s not my job
I wanna live my life only, so ever I say, GEUSS Who? Nobody knows!
(“But people Say OH “Adi” you so cute” ,     yeah thank you,
(“girls say- I love you”), oh no noway, you kidding (“but I’m looking to you”)
listen you don’t know, WHAT!!!, you don’t know, WHO!!!,! (“yea but Adi you so cute”)
oh well, go to hell, I wanna live my life like I ever wanna learn, (“aahhh shit, Adi still you nothing earn”)
oh now shut your mouth, girls it’s easier to run, I can slap you and never again gonna turn :D